

2014 Quarter Horse
Gray Gelding
14.1 Hands



Meet Stones: Your Perfect Companion from the Horses for Sale Gold Coast

This little guy is seriously the cutest! With dapples for days, this precious and sweet gelding is sure to steal your heart. Standing at 14.1 hands, Stones makes mounting and dismounting a breeze. He adores people and has a strong desire to please, making him a true social butterfly.

Key Features:

  • Safe and Gentle: Stonesis extremely safe and gentle, capable of carrying and caring for any level of rider.
  • Smooth Movement: He boasts the most comfortable little jog and the smoothest slow lope on a draped rein. With a naturally low head carriage, he glides beautifully around the arena.
  • Versatile Skills: Whether you want to show him off in reining maneuvers or enjoy leisurely trail rides, Stonesexcels in ranch riding and versatility events. He features:
    • Great speed control
    • Pretty spins
    • Automatic lead changes
    • A long sliding stop

All-Around Greatness:

Stones is a blast to ride in any situation—go show him, trail ride, or both! He can pull a cart or wagon and is accustomed to handling a 12 ft wagon down busy roads or cruising through the desert. He stands quietly and patiently when hooked up, turning heads everywhere he goes.

Fearless and Adaptable:

From day one in our program, nothing has phased him. He adapts easily to various environments and challenges. Stones is always calm on the ground and has no silly business when you ride him. He’s a happy, willing, and honest partner, capable of handling time off without any issues—whether it’s a week, a month, or even six months between rides.

Great with Others:

Stones gets along well with other horses and is familiar with all sorts of animals, including crazy dogs, cattle, buffalo, pigs, and wildlife. He’s handy around the ranch, able to ground tie, side pass to open and close gates, and navigate over bridges and logs.

A True Lover:

This total lover boy enjoys grooming, bathing, and being social. He’s incredibly easy to teach new things and is always eager to learn. Don’t let his size fool you; he can do anything the big boys can! With a conformation that is balanced and correct, he attracts attention wherever he goes, and you’ll fall in love once you get to know him.

Perfect for Everyone:

Whether you’re young, older, a beginner, or advanced, Stones will be your soldier. He can go at a slow pace to take care of you while still showcasing his talent and athleticism when you ask. Experience the joy of owning this fun-sized package of excitement!