

2015 Quarter Horse
Brown Gelding
15 Hands



Meet Skipper: Your Perfect Horse for Sale in Sydney!

Beep beep, coming through!
Skipper is our main man when it comes to ensuring friends and family are well taken care of during their riding adventures! You won’t find another gelding like him, who has been there, done that, and is at the perfect age while being drop-dead gorgeous!

Skipper has carried numerous riders in both the performance horse world and everyday riding situations. True to his name, “Skipper” guarantees a safe ride for anyone! As a dependable turn back horse, he excels in various duties:

  • Dependable all day
  • Stands tied for long hours
  • Cowy(a horse with excellent cow sense)
  • Brokeand flashy
  • Quiet demeanor

His size, athleticism, and good mind are what make him stand out from the rest! Skipper has also been roped off of, and with a bit more time, he could become an exceptional head horse for anyone looking to take him in that direction. We’ve roped the sled on him multiple times as well as live cattle. Although he is not yet finished in roping, Skipper displays incredible talent and could be a great asset to someone’s team of ranch horses ready for a day’s work!

Ideal for Families and Kids

Skipper is fantastic with kids who are looking for a step-up horse. He has plenty of whoa, rides off leg pressure, is soft in the bridle, and showcases gorgeous turnarounds. He would be a wonderful addition to any family searching for a dependable gelding that knows the ropes and is ready to love a little boy or girl wanting their step-up horse!

Take him to town, ride him with friends, or enjoy a trail ride with the kids—Skipper is your man!

  • Up to date on shoeing
  • Good to bathe
  • Good to clip
  • Stands tied
  • Hauls great
  • No funny business!

There are countless qualities we adore about this guy, but ultimately, his heart and kind eye set him apart. Whether we need to grab a horse quickly to doctor livestock or clean him up for a town ride, we know Skipper will take care of us every step of the way. The next person or family that gets to call Skipper theirs will be thrilled with the love and memories this remarkable horse for sale in Sydney will bring every day!