Shire Horse for Sale in Australia: Meet Ashanti!
With her lovable, outgoing personality and laid-back disposition, it’s hard not to fall in love with Ashanti, a magnificent Shire horse for sale in Australia! She’s kid tested and mother approved, making her the perfect addition to any family.
- Adventurous Spirit: Ashantihas been trail ridden and driven through mud, over logs, and various obstacles by children, showcasing her adventurous spirit and resilience.
- Best Buddy: She follows my two-year-old around like they are the best of friends, always keeping her ears up and displaying a sweet, kind eye.
- Calm and Composed: Whether riding away from other horses or keeping up with the big ones on group rides, Ashantiremains calm and composed.
- Versatile Companion: She has been exposed to nearly everything a child can show her and handles it all with grace. Whether you want to hop on her bareback with a halter and lead rope, saddle her up, or hook her to a cart, Ashantiadapts effortlessly.
- Easy Care: Grooming, picking up her feet, and tacking up are all a breeze with her gentle nature.
If you’re looking for a Shire horse for sale in Australia that your family can bond with and gain confidence from, you can’t go wrong with Ashanti! We would love to share more about this once-in-a-lifetime pony, so don’t hesitate to reach out!