

2016 Quarter Horse
Gray Gelding
15 hands



Introducing the real deal in the world of horses for sale in SA! Meet Mocha, a stunning gelding who embodies the perfect gentleman in every situation. Whether you’re looking to cut, rope, ranch, or enjoy a trail ride, Mocha does it all in style! If you have a one-horse trailer, this is the horse you’ll want to load up.

With his smooth, sweeping, low style, Mocha stands out in the show pen. He reads cattle like a book, showcasing remarkable intelligence and accuracy. He’s an absolute joy when it comes to anything cattle-related! Mocha is the type of horse that you can point and go; he’s a willing partner who will follow your lead without hesitation.

He walks out beautifully on a loose rein and is exceptional when cruising down the trails. Nothing fazes this confident soldier—he’s safe, sane, and reliable for riders of all levels. Mocha boasts a smooth jog and a comfortable lope, making him incredibly easy to operate with a great neck rein.

As a solid ranch horse, he’s well-acquainted with a wet saddle pad and long days of work. Mocha is very sure-footed, making him perfect for rocky, mountainous terrain. His confidence shines whether he’s alone or in a group, and he remains unfazed by distractions like crazy dogs, blowing tarps, busy traffic, heavy machinery, and even loud gunfire.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own Mocha, one of the finest horses for sale in SA!