

2015 Quarter Horse
Roan Gelding
15 Hands



Meet Kingsley, an absolutely stunning gelding perfect for anyone looking for versatile horses for sale in NSW! With his striking appearance and exceptional abilities, Kingsley can do anything you desire while looking fabulous.

  • Cow Cutting: Kingsleyexcels at cutting cattle with a deep stop, low sweep, and impressive expression.
  • Performance: He runs a beautiful Cowhorse pattern and is sure to shine in Versatilityand Ranch events.
  • Riding Comfort: Experience smooth transitions and remarkable comfort while riding this talented gelding.

Kingsley has been expertly roped in both the pasture and out of the box. He is absolutely perfect in the box, leaving flat and rating exceptionally well. Whether you’re into breakaway, calf roping, or heading, he’s got you covered!

  • Trail Riding: With plenty of experience on the trails, Kingsleyis fantastic both alone and in groups.
  • Temperament: He is 100% gentle, quiet, and sane, maintaining his calm demeanor even after time off. Trustworthy and honest, he’s a consistent companion.

You will adore Kingsley’s sweet and loving disposition—he’ll trot right up to you at the gate and eagerly tackle any task you set for him. Kingsley is also great with gunfire, dogs, tarps, and traffic, making him a reliable choice both in and out of the arena.

It’s no surprise that this charming gelding is such a sought-after option among horses for sale in NSW. With exceptional breeding, conformation, and talent, Kingsley truly is a complete package!