Black Tobiano Gelding Barrel Horses for Sale in Australia: Meet Bones!
Introducing Bones, a remarkable 16hh, 8-year-old Black Tobiano Gelding that’s the perfect addition to your equine family! Whether you’re looking for a dependable mount for trail riding or an exceptional barrel horse, Bones is the one for you.
Experience and Versatility
- Camping Adventures: Boneshas enjoyed camping trips across multiple states, including renowned locations like Big South Fork and The Land Between The Lakes.
- Local Shows: He has participated in several local fun shows and has made memorable trips to the semi-annual Knot County Ridein Kentucky.
Gentle and Easy to Handle
- User-Friendly: Bonesis incredibly easy to catch, clip, bathe, tack-up, load, and handle. His laid-back demeanor makes him a joy to work with.
- Smooth Gait: He walks on a loose rein and has a natural, smooth four-beat gaitthat covers ground effortlessly.
Trail Riding Companion
- Calm and Reliable: Bonesis not easily spooked, making him a fantastic companion on the trails. He’s been exposed to various wildlife, including deer and turkeys, and is unfazed by other animals like cows and dogs.
- Obstacle Master: With extensive trail experience, he can tackle steep slopes, cross deep creeks, navigate over downed trees, and manage rough terrain with confidence and sure-footedness.
- Traffic Safe: Boneshas also been ridden in traffic, demonstrating safety around cars, semi-trucks, and dump trucks.
Personality Plus
- Great Attitude: Bonesboasts a friendly personality and a positive attitude towards every task, making him a pleasure to ride and care for.
If you’re searching for Black Tobiano Gelding barrel horses for sale in Australia, Bones is a standout choice! Don’t miss the chance to make this gentle giant a part of your adventures. What do you think? Would you like to know more about him or similar horses?