

2017 Gypsy Vanner Horse
Black Piebald Gelding
15.1 Hands



Discover Abidal: Your Next Dream Horse for Sale in QLD, Australia!

Are you ready for an out-of-this-world experience with a horse that’s simply exceptional? Meet Abidal, a stunning Gypsy horse that embodies everything we love about horses for sale in QLD, Australia!

  • Disposition: Abidalhas the best disposition you could ask for. He genuinely loves people and craves attention, making him a perfect companion.
  • Bravery: This brave horse doesn’t get rattled by new experiences, which means he’s ideal for riders of all skill levels.
  • Athleticism: Abidalis highly athletic and is versatile enough to tackle any challenge you present him with. He’s a pro on the trails and excels in both western and English riding styles.
  • Ranch Experience: Having worked on a ranch, he understands what a hard day’s work is all about, making him a reliable partner in any situation.
  • Trail Master: Abidalhas mastered every trail obstacle we’ve introduced him to in record time and enjoys the challenges that come with them.
  • Social Compatibility: He gets along wonderfully with other horses, and like most Gypsies, he is an easy keeper.
  • Training: Abidalneck reins beautifully, has a solid stop, moves off your legs well, and can even open and close gates with ease.

Don’t miss the chance to welcome Abidal into your family! Whether you have riders of all ages or experience levels, this amazing horse will ensure everyone reaches their full potential. Explore the best horses for sale in QLD, Australia and make Abidal your next adventure!