The Denney’s family have taken care of our family once again!!!! We have made over 10 purchases from them and never regretted it once. Our pony, Rob, is absolutely PERFECT for our girls!!! Our daughters, Linda and Brenda, both have Down syndrome and love their pony!!! We are extra cautious with our girls and want to avoid any possible bad experience. Chris listened to their needs, educated himself about what their needs are, and delivered a perfect match! Rob is just amazing and takes care of them every step of the way! The girls love grooming her and riding her. Her temperament is exactly what they needed!!!! Rob just stands there and allows the girls to have their fun. Thank you Chris, Sarah and the Heritage View Ranch’s team for listening and finding that dream horse for our girls

Kimberly. PWisconsin

I really have to thank the heritage view ranch for giving me Spark. He is doing really good. we are enjoying every minute we have with him, he is just like a puppy, he likes to run up and down the fence line with my dogs. He is very good with my little boy, if he cries he comes straight to him to see whats going on, the two of them love to give each other kisses, its really cute. My husband and daughter are getting to where they aren’t as scared of him anymore, but i think Spark knows they have a little fear towards him and Spark purposely will follow them around and they will run its hilarious.. anyways i like to thank you so much for him, i really enjoy him he is alot like my horse i recently loss in January.. i hope to see y’all soon again and someday get a play partner for Spark to play with from y’all.. again thanks for everything.

Patricia. BFlorida

Dual is doing very well! My farrier loves him, I took him for a saddle fitting and everyone there fell in love with him. He has the sweetest, laid back disposition. He comes right up to me in the pasture and has been great around other horses. My three year old goes to the barn with me every day and Dual is so gentle around him, he walks very carefully when Wade is holding the end of the lead rope with me.
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Vicki. JMichigan

First of all let me apologize for taking so long to write and let you know how happy we are with our amazing “DUKE”. There are no words to adequately describe the joy he has brought to me and our family. After a bad riding accident, it was very important for me to find a horse that would be tolerant of my imperfections, with a kind disposition. If you remember we came to you in search of a smaller horse…but we were attracted to Luke … love at first sight. I remember the day we met him like it was yesterday. We let our son Riley try him out first. It was unbelievable. All 59 pounds of our fourth grader connected with him immediately as they had a great ride. I remember my turn: still a bit unsteady I climbed in the saddle. Duke had no problems dealing with my out of shape posting and weak seat at the canter.
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Sherri. BTennessee

Thank you so much for helping us find the right pony for Annalyn. I appreciated your endless patience, countless phone calls, and excellent horsemanship knowledge in finding the perfect match for our riding ability. We have both enjoyed riding Ricka. She has been ridden mostly English and some Western since we’ve had her the past few months. Annalyn won 1st place in a schooling English horse show in her division. Flicka and Annalyn will defintely have a lasting friendship together. Thanks so much for ALL your help Chris!

Tracy. GMassachusetts

Hi there Chris, everyone home today. They hauled beautifully!!! Our daughters were thrilled! I will send photos and an update when we sit on them. Currently we are covered in mud at our place. Thank you so much to the Howell family for such a wonderful horse! We are very pleased!!!

Elisabeth. NAlabam