I just want to let you know everything is going great with Scooby Doo. I got the bit and it is much better then what I’ve been using. The other day I loped him around and did some sharp turns, and yes I did all kinds of halts. 🙂 I am so happy with him though. He truly is a awesome horse. I can’t thank you enough for all the training you did with him. I have gotten comfortable enough to lope him around now, so I am ready to start training in barrels. The only problem is that it keeps raining. I want to go out there and start barrel racing, but it’s slick out there that I don’t want to hurt him or me. Besides the bad weather he is doing great. I could send you so pictures of how he is doing anytime you want me to. I would just have to take some. I have either been riding him, playing around with him, cleaning him, or its just been raining so much I don’t really take much pictures. Anyway, he is doing great. He really loves it here and he loves his new best buddy, Oreo.
Thank You